
Hedgehog Rescue Information

What to do if you find a Hedgehog?

  • Hedgehogs are NOT usually out in the daytime, but there are exceptions (As Hedgehogs are nocturnal, it is common to see them at Dusk) - If you see one out in the day that needs rescuing, please call us on 01686 625706 or 07964338630 - Please do not leave a message - If no response please call BHPS (British Hedgehog Preservation Society) 01584 890810

When to rescue?

Found a hedgehog in the daytime? They don t sun-bathe.

  • Look where it is, how it is, is it in a ball or on its side?

  • Can you see blood, injury, limb sticking out or spines look different?

  • Has it got flies around it or landing on it, does it smell?

  • Is it trapped in netting? Cut the net around the hedgehog and bring to a rescue or vet with the netting still attached.

  • Is it next to or on a road? Or in danger of crossing a busy road?

  • It is possible that the hedgehog could be blind and is the reason for being out in the daytime

  • If injured by accident

  • Hoglets that are crying / yelping need to be monitored to see if the Mother returns within 2 hours. If not, they will need rescue ASAP.

When to leave alone?

It’s usual for hedgehogs to be out and about at dusk and during the night as they are NOCTURNAL.

If you see a hedgehog in the day that is lively and going about its business with a purpose, looking for food, water, collecting grasses or leaves, this can be normal. When they hear or smell you, they may stop and curl up into a ball. After a moment when they think it's safe, they scurry away into bushes. DO NOT RESCUE.

If you disturb a hedgehog’s nest, cover immediately and leave alone. Unless they have been injured during the process, in which case, they will need rescue ASAP.

Occasionally a hoglet may wander from its nest in search for its mother or food. If it looks lively and runs back to a bush, just keep an eye on it from a distance. DO NOT RESCUE

Do not pick it up or your scent will be on it. Make sure it’s not venturing too far onto the open grass, a road, or yelping / crying for its mum. Crows, Magpies, Foxes, Rats or Dogs will be attracted and it will be attacked. Only rescue if you have waited several hours and it’s really calling and in danger from the above info.

If a mother is picked up and she has a nest with hoglets, it puts the hoglets in danger of being attacked when they call out or get too cold and may starve to death. Be sure before you rescue. Ring us please and ask.

How to Rescue

Gloves on, towel folded to thicken, scarf or coat to pick it up

  • Take home and place in a deep sided box with newspaper in.

  • Use an old towel or fleece wrapped around it to ensure warmth.

  • An empty plastic bottle filled with hot water or a hot-water bottle.

  • Wrap a tea towel or fleece over the hot water and rest hog next to it.

  • Do not feed, only put a small shallow bowl of water in the box.

  • Place in a quiet room, noise and stress kills hedgehogs.

  • Ring your nearest rescue, DON’T LEAVE a message, speak to them.

  • Havenmore hedgehog rescue 01686 625706 / 07964338630

  • British hedgehog preservation society 01584 890801